Saturday, December 11, 2010

TourDeChooch 2010

We held the first open house for the layout as part of the 2010 Tour De Chooch. Ernie, Dan and Peter helped keep the trains running and answered peoples questions. Even with there help, I had a sore throat by the end of the day.

We had 109 and nine people sign the guest book. Everyone seemed to enjoy the layout even though it is far from complete. I took pictures after the show as a record of what was complete at the time.

We did quite a lot of work to get ready for the show. We started to rush in September and worked on the layout for two nights a week through November. Ernie Poole, Dan Boudreau, Peter , Jim Whitehead and Paul Azevedo were a great help in getting everything looking good and running. Our goal was to get three trains running and have the following two areas sceniced.

The only issue we had was with the 2 auto reversers. We were using a 2.5 amp power supply and the reversers would occasionally trip at about 3 amps once they were warmed up. Just a little push got things going again.